The Things They Carried

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Essay Database > Literature > English
Bob Kiley, or Rat, was a great story teller and was a friend to everyone. He had a main part in most of the stories and was the most important character in the book. Before and after his friend Curt Lemon died, Rat showed different and interesting aspects of his personality. Tim O'Brien characterized Rat well in The Things They Carried, specifically in the chapters "How to Tell a True War Story" and "Sweetheart of …

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…character and Tim O'Brien uses them to describe Rat's personality. The impression that is given to me about Rat is that he is to be taken seriously and that he has a large personalityTim really kept his readers unsure of who Rat really was and he only showed Rat in bits and peices to have the reader put him together on their own. The way he writes about Rat really makes him an important character.