The Things They Carried - Tim O'Brien STUDY NOTES about "In The Field" - includes details about the plot, characters, themes, key quotes and links to other stories

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In The Field Plot: *The soldiers search for the body of Kiowa in the "shit field." *Jimmy Cross blames himself, wonders where he went wrong and writes a letter in his head to Kiowa's father. *A young soldier, presumably Tim though un-named, searches for the picture of his ex-girlfriend. *Kiowa is found and proves very difficult to dig out on the field. Characters: Jimmy Cross: - not a good leader -> he just followed …

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…Jimmy plans to write. The Man I Killed: - Links though the guilt that Tim felt in both stories as well as Jimmy. Style: - Azar's black humour in both stories. Speaking Of Courage: - Norman Bowker imagining telling the story of Kiowa's death to his father. Notes: - How Norman Bowker felt like he "sank down into the sewage with" Kiowa. Field Trip: - The field that Tim returns to is the same one.