The Theology of Thoreau.

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Essay Database > Literature > World Literature
The Theology of Thoreau Henry David Thoreau's proposal of self-discovery is the simplest yet most realistic of any scholar in history. While living at Walden Pond and composition his American classic, he revealed the roots of livelihood to all men. Thoreau scripted the proper way towards living life. He implies that a man must discover and understand himself before he can truly live. The swiftest way towards this realization is to get in touch with …

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…theology of Thoreau, for the majority, are very acceptable and applicable to citizens today. It is a decision whether or not to live your life in the city with the obstructions of cells phone and car payments. It is your decision whether to interact and make social obligations. It is your decision how you live your life. You are your own master, and James Thoreau exemplifies how to control your life the way you please.