The Themes in the Aboriginal.

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Essay Database > Literature > World Literature
The Themes in the Aboriginal or Post-colonial Literature Like all human societies, Aboriginal society has operated on a core set of values and beliefs that are complex and form the basis for religious practice and ways of being and doing. Under the power of control and uneven treatment, aboriginal people have their sincere view of nature, home, language, religion, hope, life and death. The literature, which played a reflective as well as a constructive part …

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…aboriginal literature, a clear concept is bought to us aboriginal or post-colonial writer is strongly resenting the natural beauty of native culture, and struggle to be separate from British influence. References: Rushdie, Salman. " 'Commonwealth Literature' Does Not Exist." Concert of Voices: An Anthology of World Writing in English. Ed. Victor J. Ramraj. Peterhorough: Broadview, 1995. Ngitji, Ngitji. "The Possum Woman." Concert of Voices: An Anthology of World Writing in English. Ed. Victor J. Ramraj. Peterhorough: Broadview, 1995.