The Theme of Oedipus Rex

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Essay Database > Literature > Creative Writing
In Greek mythology, one of the major themes is the importance of fate and free will. The story of Oedipus Rex is a perfect example that shows this theme. The major theme explored in Oedipus Rex is that fate and free will are intertwined with the main character, Oedipus. Oedipus is not only fated to perform such detestable acts, but his infamous behavior (which leads him to commit these terrible acts) determines his fate. The …

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…people. This legendary theme of the ancient world is still read and studied today for a reason. It is thought provoking; it withstands the test of time, and is relevant to our world. This theme, which includes responsibility, theism, destiny, and knowledge versus ignorance, can be applied to today. The people, who take the time to appreciate Oedipus Rex, and all of the culture of antiquity for that matter, will become strong, more insightful individuals.