The Terminator

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Essay Database > Entertainment > Movies & Film
The Terminator The Terminator film series was the tremendous popular success in USA for a few reasons. First, I think it's because the main character, Arnold, was very poplar at that time because he's so masculine, most audience want to see him. Second, I think because the producer spent a lot money on the advertisement. So, we're all impressed by the image of Arnold's outlook. Also, they made a lot toys about this movie, such …

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…beings, technology might take over control on Earth. That means when technology have their own thoughts, feelings, they would not obey human beings anymore, they would rather control the world by themselves. If technology really take over the control, humanity would be decayed and even vanished. Of course, we don't want this to be happened, but it's possible. So, we should be aware of technology, and not let them to take over control of us.