The Terminator

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Essay Database > Entertainment > Movies & Film
For the purposes of this essay I have chosen The Terminator, a science fiction B-movie feature from 1984. Although I intend mainly to study this purely as a single film, I do intend to study Terminator 2 in addition, thus making the essay a study of the series. In addition, I will be contrasting the theory written surrounding these films in relation to other contemporary postmodern theory, and as a result will be mentioning several other films …

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…out. Indeed, even the theory mentioned here is open to debate, and it is unknown whether writer/director Cameron has even acknowledged any of it, not least agreed with it. To me, the film is still great entertainment, not in spite of this theory, but now because of it. The film now has an added substance and texture which enables it to stand out above the wave of science fiction video fodder of the 1980s.