The Tempest Act IV, Short Story

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Prospero is in the process of apologizing to Ferdinand for having put him through such hard tasks. He tells him that as compensation he will allow the marriage between him and his daughter. Ferdinand agrees with his father-in-law to be who threatens that he must not sleep with her before they are married and he swears an oath to Prospero. Prospero commands Ariel to "Bestow upon the eyes of this young couple some vanity of …

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…alone because they should kill Prospero before they do anything else. Stephano tells him to quiet down as he takes an article of clothing from the tree. The two continue to dress themselves in the royal clothing, offering some to Caliban. He eventually submits to their pleas with the promise of more wine. Prospero calls out to the spirits of Mountain and Fury and disguised as wild animals, they chase the trio far, far away.