The Tell Tale Heart by Edgar Allan Poe

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Essay Database > Literature > English
Edgar Allan Poe is acknowledged today as one of the most brilliant and original writers in American literature. His skillfully wrought tales and poems convey with passionate intensity the mysterious, dreamlike, and often macabre forces that pervaded his sensibility. He is also considered the father of the modern detective story. The Tell Tale Heart is a short story by Edgar Allan Poe, the narrator remains nameless and sexless in the story. H/she takes care …

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…schizophrenia which is proved in the context of the story. Schizophrenia is a humorous brain disorder characterized by delusional thinking and unique but unpopular perceptions. The old man's eye is the mirror of the narrator and h/she did not like the other self. H/she decides to end his fear by getting rid of the old man's eye and to get rid of the eye h/she has to enter the world of unconsciousness.