The Tell Tale Heart by Edgar Allan Poe

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Essay Database > Literature
'The Tell Tale Heart' is a story about a man who killed an old man just because he didn't like the way his eyes looked like. The main character speaks about madness as being a gift and not a kid of disability for example in paragraph one on page 93 he says: ' but why would you say that I am mad? The disease had sharpened my senses-not destroyed-not dulled them'. The mad man killed the …

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…this is because I could engage better with the character and get into his inner thoughts whereas the 3rd person narrative which was used by Ray Bradbury doesn't give you that kind of insight into the character and the 1st person narrative helps us understand the characters madness. The other good thing that Edgar Allan Poe did was that he made the madness of the character grow more and more as the story went on.