"The Tell-Tale Heart"- Analysis

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"The Tell-Tale Heart" <Tab/>Insane adj 1: afflicted with or characteristic of mental derangement; "was declared insane"; "insane laughter" [ant: sane] 2: very foolish; "harebrained ideas"; "took insane risks behind the wheel"; "a completely mad scheme to build a bridge between two mountains" [syn: harebrained, mad] (Dictionary) There are numerous ways to prove that a person is insane, and "The Tell-Tale Heart" is only one of them. But Edgar Allan Poe's short story "…

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…an excellent example of what makes an insane person insane. WORKS CITED Dictionary.com/insane. 2003. Online. Internet. 15 April 2005. .......... ..........http://www.dictionary.reference.com/search?q=insane Poe, Edgar Allan. "The Tell-Tale Heart". Mankato Minnesota: Creative ..........Education, Inc, 1980. "The Tell-Tale Heart". Short Stories for Students. Kathleen Wilson & Marie ..........Lazzari, eds. Vol. 4. Detroit: Gale, 1998. pgs. 343-359. ZRM: On Poe's "The Tell-Tale Heart". 19 September 2003. Online. Internet. 15 ..........April 2005. http://www.users.stargate.net/~zrm/lit/telltale.html.