"The Tale of Happiton" - significance

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Essay Database > Social Sciences
The Tale of Happiton is a great story that demonstrates many qualities about individuals. Hofstadter created a situation where the townspeople of Happiton were faced with a very difficult situation brought on by a demon, and would have to write plenty of postcards in order to help slow down the bell that would possibly ring their doom. Even though, the chances were very low on a day-to-day basis that all five dice would land on 7, …

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…as citizens of Canada, are expected to support America, and be pro-war on Iraq. So this is not only a question of nuclear war, but also a question of beliefs, which can be especially harder on Americans to remain patriotic. This tale can definitely be applied to our world, and used as an example of how people lose faith, hopes, and the energy to better their lives, and their world by doing simple little things.