The Sword of Ata. This was written in the style that the writer of the book "Arabian Nights" would have written in.

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Essay Database > Society & Culture > People
It is said that a merchant with a devoted wife and three loving children lived in a moderate sized hut. The merchant always tried his best to improve living conditions for his family. Because other people, such as the ugly witch Atiya, are jealous and vengeful of his wealth, he is shunned from the local city. One day the ugly witch Atiya appeared to the merchant as he was outside of his hut on the …

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…his might. The donkey and the merchant dutifully arrived at the palace, where he presented the sword of Ata to the Caliph. With that, the witch although frustrated, told the merchant, "You have survived this trial, but I will be back. " The witch turned the rocks back into the merchant's family, and one of the children told his father, "Do I have a story to tell you about what happened when I was a rock."