The Sun Will Come Out Amara A study of the language development of a Cambodian girl in the United States

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<Tab/>When I think about my experience in middle school I almost laugh: I grew up in a household where both parents were veteran teachers long before I was born, where learning was always encouraged and praised, where books were always available, and where "crime" in our small Northern California town reached its pinnacle when Dave Johnson's second son stole 15 chickens from the John Bower Ranch. And still I had the …

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…Bicultural involvement and adjustment in Hispanic-American youths. International Journal of Intercultural Relations 4:353-365. Teske, Raymond H.C.; and Nelson, Bardin H. 1974. Acculturation and assimilation: A clarification. American Ethnologist 1:351-357. Wilson, Kenneth; and Portes, Alejandro. 1980. Immigrant enclaves: An analysis of the labor market experiences of Cubans in Miami. American Journal of Sociology 86:295-319. Wong, Sau-ling Cynthia. 1987. The language learning situation of Asian immigrant students in the U.S.: A socio- and psycho-linguistic perspective. NABE Journal 11:203-231.