The Sultanate of the Ottoman Empire 1512-1574 A.D.

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The Sultanate of the Ottoman Empire 1512-1574 A.D. The Ottoman Empire was a long-lived empire, which once included territories in North Africa, the Middle East, Asia Minor, central Asia, and central and Eastern Europe. One man, the sultan, ruled all of the Ottoman Empire. Sultans of the Ottoman Empire had absolute power over everything in the empire. During the sixteenth century Selim I, Suleyman I, and Selim II reigned. These three men changed the …

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… A0844359.html> "Selim II " 13 December 2002. <> "Selim, the Grim" Encyclopedia Britannica. Pages 179-180. Windsor Publishing Co. 1996. New York. "Suleyman I" 13 December 2002. <> "Suleyman, the Magnificent." 15 December 2002. <http;//> "Sultan Suleyman the Magnificent." 15 December 2002. <> "Turkey: Ottoman Institutions." 15 December 2002. <>