The Suffering of the Women in Yellow Wallpaper

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Essay Database > Literature > English
The Suffering of Women in The Yellow Wallpaper I think this story is represents the suffering of all women. In the story the narrator is suppressed by her husband, though he means well, and by her brother. Medical science also suppresses her because of it's views on women's health in the Nineteenth century. They keep her from doing the things she wants because they believe it is best for her to rest. She disagrees. "I …

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…but refuse to admit it or do anything about it. At the end she rips off as much of the wallpaper as she can to symbolically free herself and the figure behind the paper. On the last page she says "I wonder if they all come out of that wallpaper as I did?" Gilman wrote this based on her depression experience, but she managed to include the feelings of all women and their struggles. ---------------------------------------------------------------------