The Success of Nike.

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Essay Database > Business & Economy
Nike. Inc was ranked 204 in the 2002 Fortune 500 with over 9 billion in annual revenues. The founders went from selling shoes from the back of a van to 10,000 Nike stores all over the world. That is a success story. Each and every athlete has a different way of performing and Nike provides a variety of products (make, model and body style) allowing athletes to perform to their fullest and best performance. I strongly agree that the success …

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…They have known exactly what to due in each situation that they are faced with. When Nike's management has not been as successful as need they have gone outside the company to get a different perspective to their company. It's this willingness to change that I believe makes them the leader in the sporting goods industry. Being willing to change has helped Nike close the gap between how their managers think and how they should.