The Success of

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Essay Database > Business & Economy
The Success of If one is preparing a list of top ten companies of the decade it would not be completed without The company is considered one of the top in the e-commerce industry and has managed to continue its success. The journey towards the success and its continuous growth is huge if not phenomenal and it shows how difficult it is to even be in the competition in the e-commerce …

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…been so successful while most other e-commerce companies have failed is its incredible lower prices and its strategy of discounts on almost every book. If this continues than Amazon will become one of the strongest company over the web. Sources: Hansel, Saul "A profitable Amazon Looks to Do an Encore", New York Times, Jan 26, 2002 Author not Available, "From Zero to 10 Million in Less Than six Years: to Pass E-commerce Milestone Today" Newswire, June 2001