The Struggles of Armand's Identity Crisis This is one view from the short story Desiree's Baby.

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Essay Database > Literature > World Literature
Kate Chopin's short story "Desire's Baby" tells how, Armand, a plantation owner struggles with his own identity through his child. Armand came from a wealthy family from France. Many years after he arrived from Paris he fell in love with Desiree "as if struck by a pistol shot" (Chopin 185). He then marries Desiree and they have a baby boy, this devastated their marriage. <Tab/>In the beginning of the story, Chopin …

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…of these changes have to be brought to attention many times before a reader can absorb every morsel of it's meaning <Tab/>As the story develops Chopin brings us to a conflicting section of the story when the baby is only three months old. She describes how Desiree is awoken one morning by a disquieting suggestion. The blacks came from everywhere to see her baby and Armand's behavior changes once more.