The Struggle for Women's Rights. Women Studies

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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Sociology
The Struggle for Women's Rights The struggle for equal rights for women has been an ongoing struggle for humanity. Along the way, many complications and roadblocks have risen. Media, beauty standards, and the meaning of womanhood were some of the barriers. One of the biggest barriers in the struggle for women's rights is race. Race has hindered women's movement for a very long time. Segregation made it hard for women to join in one fight …

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…to be taken care of. The different races, black and white, wanted to solve such different issues that it made it very hard for women to unify into one group. Overall, the struggle for equal rights for women was much more complex due to the different motives of the different races. If black and white women may have been able to come together as one, maybe much more would have been changed for women today.