The Structure of an Airplane

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Pages: 7
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Essay Database > Science & Technology
The idea of flight has fascinated people for centuries, even to this day, which is why I decided to research on airplanes. When I researched the history on planes, I was surprised at the effort and the time people long ago spent trying to make a machine that flies. I also wondered, like many, how an airplane is able to fly and sustain in the air. Wanting to know the answers to these types of …

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…dusting and spraying insecticides or herbicides, fertilizing, and seeding. This research paper brought me to some interesting places and gave me the opportunity to meet people who had a lot to say about airplanes. I got to talk to people who repair airplanes to people who were ex-pilots in the military. I learned a lot about airplanes, but part of really wanting to know about something is having an interest in it from the beginning.