The Strengths and weaknesses of Antigone In "Antigone" by Sophocles.

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Essay Database > History > War & Conflicts
Usually, in novels, the main character's strength overshadows his weaknesses. In the Greek tragedy "Antigone", however, the main character of the same name has as many strong points as weak ones. In the next paragraphs, I will point out Antigone's strengths, weaknesses and, finally, the evolution of the character throughout the play. It goes without saying that Antigone is an extremely strong woman for her time and even for ours. She does have evident strengths. …

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…line to her last. Antigone, the main character of the play, has as many strengths as weaknesses, just like any other human being. Many people can see her action as heroic. Others might see it as a ridiculous act going against the state and the king. Either way, there is no denying the fact that she was an extremely devoted woman who people, in ancient Greece, looked up to before and after her difficult death.