The Strength Of a Woman This writing relates to the novel, Reef, written by Romesh Gunesekera. Talks about the character of Miss Nili's role as a woman

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Essay Database > Literature > World Literature
Behind every great man there is a great woman that gives their loving support and positive feed backs. Women for centuries stood by their husbands, sons, or anyone they felt worthy of standing up for and help them succeed with the belief that they could do anything. Men feel powerful when they have everything going their way with a companion to share it with just like Mister Salgado and Miss Nili in the novel, Reef, …

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…put the phone down and pressed his fingers to his temples...he told me he had to go and see her," (pg 189.) <Tab/>Romeo had Juliet, a Prince had their Princess, and Mister Salgado had Miss Nili. International folk tales told around the world based solely upon two characters. A man and a woman, nevertheless, a man can't be great without his woman. As the famous saying goes it takes two.