"The Stranger" essay

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Essay Database > Literature > European Literature
Albert Camus is a novelist who has an extraordinary understanding of existentialism. His characters in many of his story show this same understanding. The Stranger is a great example of this way of thinking. The main character Meursault was an atheism who did not follow the social standard of having a religion or a belief in God. In this novel Albert Camus illustrates existentialism, emphasizing man's futile attempt to search for meaning of existence when …

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…wanted to talk to me about God again, but I went up to him and made one last attempt to explain to him that I had only a little time left and I didn't want to it on God" (quote 16 primary). Meursault shows that he has no guidance in his life. He truly found that there was no need to discuss what some sort of meaning this man was trying to put in his life.