The Stranger by Albert Camus. This is an essay on the book about the character Meurasault.

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Essay Database > Literature > World Literature
The Stranger In Albert Camus' novel, The Stranger, there are many different aspects throughout the book that separate this book from most others. The first major crucial moment starts when Meursault travels to his mother's funeral and shows no emotion or remorse for his mother's death. It is evident in the beginning of the story that there is a man who shows no emotion for anything. Meursault did not dare cry for his mother. In …

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…control the events of human existence. Throughout this book my viewpoint of the crucial moments changed from one extreme to another with Meursault and the lack of his emotions. This is a great story about the indifference of one man and the non-acceptance into society that changes the way society views him. I would rate this up there with one of the best short novels that I have ever read. I enjoyed it very much.