The Stranger by Albert Camus

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Essay Database > Literature > European Literature
In Albert Camus's famous novel The Stranger there are many out of the ordinary occurrences, the theory of absurdity is thought of quite frequently throughout. The main character Meursault, gets himself into a predicament that develops Camus's philosophy of the absurd. His philosophy is that humans tend to impose a rational order on the world in the face of evidence that the world is absurd. According to Webster's Dictionary the word "absurd means clearly unreasonable" (…

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…intellectual, albeit one who claims to be no longer interested in things of the mind" (Fletcher 4). Bibliography Camus, Albert. The Stranger. Vintage International: New York, 1988. Fletcher, John. "Source: Albert Camus". African Writers 1(1997): 139-152. Rhein, Phillip H. "Albert Camus". Twayne's World Authors Series Online. New York: G.K. Hall & Co.,1999. Sartre, Jean-Paul. "An Explanation of 'The Stranger'". (pp108-121) Camus: A Collection of Critical Essays. Prentice- Hall, Inc. 1962. "Absurd." Webster's Dictionary. Landoll, Inc: Ashland, Ohio, 1997.