The Stranger, By: Albert Camus

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A religious analysis of Mersault in the light of the whole book is that he is an atheist, who wouldn't waste his time on listening to the word of God. Mersault is the type of person that doesn't care about what goes on around him. He is his own person and thinks life is not worth living. He feels that life is meaningless because we will all die someday and leave everything we ever achieved …

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…and left the cell. What isolates Mersault from a hostile or indifferent universe (existentialism) is his disbelief in God, and his inability to smile or laugh. His beliefs has separated him from a world where God is always an issue of an everyday life. Although he fits in with the people around him, he lacks harmony and incompatibility, meaning he fails to agree in feeling of something that's there, something that's clear to agree with.