The Stranger

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Essay Database > Literature > English
Many artists, authors, and composers have put the beauty and warmth of the sun in their work. The Dutch painter Vincent van Gogh created landscapes that expressed his joy with sunshine. The American poet, Emily Dickinson, wrote a poem called "The Sun" which she described the rising and setting of the sun. The Russian composer, Nicholas Rimsky-Korsakov, included a beautiful song, "Hymn to the Sun," in his opera The Golden Cockerel. However, Camus' usage of …

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…does not need to cover his emotions anymore. Although most creative thinkers have used the sun as a positive being, Camus' sees the sun as a barrier to Meursault's emotions. He goes through many situations in his life that are affected and caused by the sun. Once he ends up in prison, Meursault realizes how much the sun was barrier to him. Then he finally recognizes the sun as a gentle indifference to the world.