"The Stranger" - Having Power Takes responsibility.

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Essay Database > Literature > European Literature
Throughout the novel "The Stranger", by Albert Camus, Meursault lives a life with no passion or hope that could possibly disappoint him and still managed to meet a tragic end from unfortunate circumstances. He lives a life only because it is given to him and not to fulfill his purpose. He leads a very quiet life until the day he commit's a murder. Meursault's action of shooting the Arab is the turning point in which …

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…resulting to grab hold of a gun and shoot the Arab. "Having power takes responsibility." By giving into the control of the sun, bringing the overall outcome of Meursault having guilt and suffering. Albert Camus simply shows this by the use of symbolism, irony, and imagery. Theses qualities makes Meursault realize the uncontrollable power he had been taken over by. From those actions that he had let the power take over, he became less responsible.