"The Story of My Body" by Judith Ortiz Cofer, and "Never Just Pictures" by Susan Bordo.

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Appearance is the first sign of identity and personality that a person shows. The majority of the people are used to judge by appearance instead of personality, but what happens when our personality and appearance are directly connected? Most of us would think that our body and our identity are somehow contradictory, but the reality is another. Our body and identity are both shaped by the media and influenced by some other elements of our …

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…their money to the community; a possible idea is to implement a tax in order to collect the necessary money. We need to balance the relation between the consumer and the seller. Bibliography 1.Bordo, Susan. "Never Just Images." Seeing and Writing. Ed. Donald McQuade and Christine McQuade. New York, Bedford/St Martin's, 2000. 236-240. 2.Cofer, Judith. "The Story of My Body." Seeing and Writing. Ed. Donald McQuade and Christine McQuade. New York, Bedford/St Martin's, 2000. 208-214.