The Story of Deirdre

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Essay Database > Literature > English
The Story of Deirdre The Story of Deirdre is indicative of the prolific writer's inherent ability to pursue even the simplest of concepts. Considered to be one of the "Three Sorrowful Tales of Erin," this tragic story of love's struggles has stood the test of time throughout myriad centuries, with versions having existed as far back as the eighth century. Within the confines of the Celtic author's passionate tale lies the relationship of Deirdre and …

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…compassion inherent within such a literary composer. Taken within the context that was meant by the author, The Story of Deirdre represents the struggles that are apparent in every relationship, yet even more disheartening when these struggles are presented by an outside source. Casting aside the inherent intensity of this particular piece of Irish tale, The Story of Deirdre, has long been a source of inspiration and entertainment for people of all ages and heritage.