The Storm

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The Calm before the Storm The main idea of my essay is that by the use of the narrators point of view, the setting and the characters one can easily see the connection when comparing the title to the content of The Storm, by Kate Chopin. It seems apparent that Miss Chopin clearly wanted to compare the passionate moment shared between two past lovers to the power and energy exerted by a passing storm. And …

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…reader shares in the love that Claxita obviously has for the two, and is able to see that the storm really has passed. Claxita and Alcee finished what may have been intended long ago, no one seems hurt by the storm's turbulence, and Chopin completed the story capturing both at once. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ **Bibliography** Work Cited Chopin, Kate. "The Storm." An Introduction to Fiction. Ed. X.J. Kennedy and Dana Gioia. 7th ed. New York: 1999. 95-99.