"The Stones Cry Out" by Molyda Szymusiak.

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Essay Database > Literature > World Literature
When Envy Turns to Hatred Envy is one of the worst human emotions and when turned to hatred can do unimaginable things to other human beings. Molyda Szymusiak in her book The Stones Cry Out shows us one of the worst examples the world ever saw of what happens when envy turns to hatred. She not only shows what envy can do to humanity but also shows the possibility of survival through ones will to …

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…in the minds of people who has no education, no maturity and most of all no religious beliefs. The ones who survive and make it through these types of horrible sufferings infected upon them are the ones with the greatest will to fight back. They fight back by being alive. They manage to stay alive because they were the ones with the best understanding of the situation, the extreme patience and the undying religious faith.