The Stolen Generation.

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Essay Database > Literature > Creative Writing
"I don't know if you really accept yourself...How can you be proud of being Aboriginal after the humiliation and the anger and hatred you have." This statement was made by the Human rights and Equal Opportunity Commission in 1997. It sums up all the thoughts and emotions of all the Aboriginal Australians that suffered in the Stolen Generation. This is the opinion of the Aboriginal race, but what did the white section of society think? …

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…from their mother's many dreadful things could arise. Such things included: * Feelings of insecurity and worthlessness * Depression, suicide * Violence which could lead to imprisonment * Abuse * Problems with trust and intimacy This loss of affection, trust and dependency in those early years impacted on the overall wellbeing of the removed child and parent. As they grew up and had their own children, they wouldn't know how to look after them because of their lack of experience.