The Stolen Generation - Implications of Australian law on the children of the stolen generation.

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Essay Database > History > World History
(OHP 1) Bessy Flower was born in 1943 and at the age of 19 months was forcibly removed from her mother's arms in the South-West of Western Australia. Bessy spent 14 years of her life at the Annesfield native institution where she was refused correspondence with her parents and suffered ongoing sexual abuse. Not to mention malnutrition and humiliation. In 1788, aboriginal children like Bessy were first taken from their families and placed in missions and institutions.(OHP 2) But, it …

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…the path to reconciliation. It is not until the 'stolen generation' receive their compensation and the Australian Aborigines receive their apology, that the job of reconciliation in our multicultural society will become easier and possible. (Optional) "The legacy of the ethnocentric views of "White Australia" have had enormous repercussions for race relations in Australia. This legacy has left Australia with the difficult, some would say almost impossible, job of reconciliation in a multicultural society". (Optional)