The Spread of the Arab Empire and Islam
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Pages: 3
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Pages: 3
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Essay Database > Literature
Muhammad was an Arabic merchant who lived in the Middle Eastern city of Mecca from 570 to 632. Muhammad brought together the nomadic tribes of the Middle East and drove them on a great conquest which, due to its far and expeditious expansion, is one of the most remarkable empires in history. One of the driving factors behind this vehement expansion is how the Arabic people revolutionized their culture after Muhammad brought them together. Muhammad and his
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or, razzias. When these tribes were raided and converted they did not resist the Islamic religion with very much force. This happened because the religion of Islam was very appealing to the eyes of the formerly nonbelievers, or, infidels. This was because the religion made the very ambrosial and appealing promise of an afterlife. These revolutionary ideas and values taught by Muhammad are the reason why the Muslim empire spread so far and so fast.
or, razzias. When these tribes were raided and converted they did not resist the Islamic religion with very much force. This happened because the religion of Islam was very appealing to the eyes of the formerly nonbelievers, or, infidels. This was because the religion made the very ambrosial and appealing promise of an afterlife. These revolutionary ideas and values taught by Muhammad are the reason why the Muslim empire spread so far and so fast.