The Spanish-American War, this essay talks about wether or not America's actions in the Spanish American war were justifiable.

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Ever since we were old enough to know what pride and dignity was, we have had it. Even though the Bible says not to be prideful, it is almost an unavoidable thing. When someone does something to hurt my pride I know I always want to find a way to get him or her back. This is the same with the United States. Although everyone has their own opinion about the war, I think one …

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…affairs. We should have listened to what Washington said and not worried about other small countries. Although I do not condone the actions the United States took against Spain, I do think what they did was actually smart. I also do not think their motives for entering the war were to flat out help the Cubans. My opinions may or may not be right, but regarding this very controversial war, this is how I feel.