The Soviet invasion of Afghanistan. Includes footnotes, title page, works cited page. It is 5 pages 1323 words.

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Essay Database > History > Middle East History
In December of 1979, the Soviet Union began their invasion of Afghanistan. Nine years later, in 1988, President Mikhail Gorbachev announced that the USSR would pull out of Afghanistan. The Soviets did not gain anything from this invasion, but rather lost many troops and lots of money. It remains questionable why the Soviet Union would invade Afghanistan. The Soviets did not achieve victory because their forces could not be concentrated solely on Afghanistan, there was an unexpected …

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…because of an overwhelming outcry from other countries, the Soviet Union was forced to pull out. The price of the war was too high of a price to pay. The Soviet Union was had two much on their plate during the time of the invasion of Afghanistan. This not only led to the removal of troops from Afghanistan and the failure of the invasion, but it also led to the fall of the Soviet Union.