The South by Ruth Parks Analyzed in respect to Rites Of Passage, physical setting, style and the roles of the Characters

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Essay Database > Literature > World Literature
Formative 1 The Harp In The South By Ruth Parks The novel The Harp In The South by Ruth Parks. It tells the story of the Darcy family, who live in poverty in 1940's Surry Hills, an inner-city slum suburb of Sydney. The style that Ruth Park writes is amazing. It's almost like tapestry: a collection of motley scratched scraps of wool that she interweaves together to create something heartbreakingly beautiful even though it is something …

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…for acclaimed Australian (actually born in NZ) author Ruth Park, and was published back in 1948. which still now has readers amazed by how interpretive the novel is and how the descriptions describe the life of one small family in the small town of Surry Hills Back in 1940's. This text is a time traveling device that helps you to explore the life of one small family. Experiencing what they experience and do what they do.