"The Soldier" by Rupert Brooke

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Essay Database > Literature
The Soldier: A poem which I have read recently is "Soldier" by Rupert Brooke. The main point in question throughout this poem is appreciation for ones country. I will prove that this is the main point in question during the course of my essay. The poem "Soldier" is Brooke's views on the possible occurrence of his own death in the field and what he feels that foreign country would gain from his death. When viewing …

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…terms include- Image Groups and Similes. Along with poetic techniques I also explored other possible meanings this poem could have in that it could be based around the entire war at that time, another important observation I made was that the author shows his general appreciation for being English. I finished off with a few smaller observations. Overall I believe that I proved that the main point in this poem is appreciation for ones country.