The Social, Political, and Religious Implications of the First Great Awakening in North America

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Essay Database > History > North American History
The Great Awakening of the 1730's and 1740's that took place in the English Colonies in America changed the face of American religion and at the same time led the way for improvement of the educational and political systems of Colonial America. The Great Awakening took place just as the seeds of the Industrial Revolution were being sown on both the European and American continents. It brought a new theatrical aspect to previously stark and …

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…later considered during the writing of the United States Constitution. At a time in world history when more and more people were becoming "enlightened" to the new principals of reason, learning, and the logic of the human mind, a few gifted orators in the colonies were able to steer their listeners back towards the blind faith in religious truth that had all but disappeared since the first settlement at Plymouth. <Tab/>