The Social Economic and Politcal Impact of Imperialism (Colonozation) on Africa. Got a 90. Got 10 points off because of no cover sheet, or i would have had a 100. So i technically had a 100.

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Essay Database > History
The Social, Political, and Economic Effects of Europe's Colonization of Africa Imperialism is the political, economic, and social control by one country over another country. In the 1800's, many European countries began their imperialism of most of Africa. But when the Europeans were finally forced out, the government, economy, and social life were in ruins because a lack of concern by the Europeans, and their hasty decisions. The Europeans ignored the social effects on the …

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…and seeing that they could get ride of some of the resistance, they began to sell the Africans to plantation owners. This produced money for the Europeans, and separated many African families forever. Looking back on this problem, had the Europeans shown a little bit more concern for the Africans and thought about the consequences of their actions, the social, economic, and political problems that exist today in Africa would be lessened or even non-existant.