"The Slightly true story of Cedar B. Hartley" (Who planned to live an unusual life) - By Martine Murray

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"The Slightly True Story of Cedar B. Hartley" By Martine Murray, is a funny, witty and at times moving book written through the eyes of a young Australian girl who loves to talk and is always interested in everything. Her older brother Barnaby, who has run away but leaves poetic letters in the mail box, her friend Caramella who eats lots of biscuits, Kite the bird-person (not a cat/dog-person) and his friend Oscar, who …

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…more development of Barnaby's relationship with his family when he eventually returns. This is a book which should be read by oneself, due to the 1st person style of writing. I think that this book would be a wonderful present. It is a very good read. I would recommend this book to children of the age 11 - 14, though I think older readers might enjoy the humour and style just as much. I would rate it 9/10.