The Sino-Indian War of 1962 and China's Revisionism.

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As everyone knows, China insists on reminding its people about the evils the Japanese committed against it in a brutal war of aggression 60 years ago. At the same time however, the Chinese regime refuses to acknowledge its own aggression but instead omits or distorts history to justify its claims and ambitions. In my class, I deal with the Manchurian invasion and the issue of Japanese textbooks ignoring, excusing, or even justifying atrocities committed over 60-70 …

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…lesson," in the words of Zhou Enlai. As a citizen of a country that fought against Japan aggression, I certainly agree that Japan needs to acknowledge its brutal militaristic past. Nevertheless, I see little difference from Japanese textbooks and its museum attached to the Yasukuni Shrine glorifying Japan's past with Chinese textbooks and the military museum in Beijing distorting and even falsifying history only in that Chinese foreign policy intends to make real its myths.