The Sinking of the Red Convertible: Brotherhood and Symbolism; This assignment was an analysis on a short story to write a third person essay 2-3 pages.

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Essay Database > Literature
What can a red convertible mean to two brothers? Authors know what topic their story is going to focus on when they write it. However, many authors choose not to put it in plain text for the readers. Instead, they give hints and clues to trigger the reader to pull out the topic from the story. One of the main ways authors do this is through the title they give their story. Louise Erdrich named …

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…convertible is the beginning and end of Henry and Lyman's brotherhood with the help of the war as well. Louise Erdrich chooses the topic of symbolism to show her readers how important something can mean to two brothers. In answer to the question: "What can a red convertible mean to two brothers?" In this story it means the creating of a tight bond and the tearing apart of that relationship. <Tab/>