The Significance of foreign language in

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Essay Database > Literature > English
The Significance of using Spanish and English in "Almost a Woman" Esmeralda Santiago i an american citizen with puerto rican origins who writes the novel called "Almost a Woman". Her book recalls her journey towards womanhood and describes the details of growing up Puerto Rican in the 1960's in America. Esmeralda Santiago wrote "Almost a Woman" at age fifty eight, an age at which she clearly knew how to speak and write English. Being an …

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…to reinforce the idea that the novel is written about and for the hispanic audience. The English text is there to invite the American public to take a look into the hard journey of maybe any immigrant into their society. The English text sprinkled with Spanish words give a wonderful image of what one goes through as an immigrant and how one relates back to its identity as a Puerto Rican or any other nationality.