"The Shrinking Welfare State: The New Welfare Legislative and Families", by D. Stanley Eitzen and Maxine Baca Zinn.

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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Sociology
In the assigned reading article The Shrinking Welfare State: The New Welfare Legislative and Families, by D. Stanley Eitzen and Maxine Baca Zinn the issue that the authors are trying to deliver is how the welfare reform is not actually helping any of the people that require the assistance. It also explains how the legislatures are not providing any solutions for how the people that are currently on welfare can overcome their financial status. I …

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…We sit here and allow this to continue while it affects our economy. There are many changes which could be made to welfare that would alleviate all the negativity surrounding the "system". Unfortunately, I feel that we will not see any of them in my lifetime. I only hope that people and corporations will work with the government to make welfare changes possible. We need to reach a compromise that will assist and suit everyone.