The Shawshank Redemption: Exemption of Equality between Those with Hope (Andy) and Those Without it (Red) through literary, dramatic, and cinematic aspects.

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Essay Database > Arts & Humanities > Film & TV
Does hope after an inevitable loss cause depression and distress, or is it the factor which turns defeat into triumph? In this way possession of hope differentiates people in their views of life. This inequality is clearly seen within Frank Darabont's The Shawshank Redemption (1994). In Andy Dufrene's portrayal of hope in living a new life in Mexico, he shows that his view of life and hope is totally different from Red's, who does not believe …

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…dramatic, and cinematic aspects all contribute to this thought in numerous methods. Andy shows through his actions later on that this hope can make a difference, a great difference, in the freedom of a man. I believe that if people just had hope, like Andy Dufrene, the world would change with everyone living life to the fullest. This movie displays the affect of hope on people, and as a result differences between those without it.