"The Shadowed Man Part Two" Please see part one for more details.

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Essay Database > Literature > Creative Writing
A panicked scream rumbled in my throat. I saw a gleam in the shadowed black man's eye. The gray fog pressed against the windows outside. I dropped the phone with a crash and pulled myself backwards, tumbling over the low-backed sofa that lay at the edge of the gray carpeted family room. The thump of the ground took all the wind out of me, and my vision went blurry as the man leaned over me. …

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…opening my door. I wondered where he was taking me. He held my arm tightly, and brought me to a room with a TV. I wondered what I was going to see. I hoped it was a show I liked, but I presumed it would not be. The man left, and the TV started up. A bright light came on, and then I heard gun shots. There on TV, it showed my parents getting murdered.