The Seminole Indians

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Essay Database > History
The Seminole Native Americans are the indigenous people of southeastern North America. They are comprised of various tribes, instead of being a single, unique people. "As the United States is a nation made up of people from many nations, the Seminole is a tribe made up of Indians from many tribes." (Garbarino-13). The ethnic diversity results from their interaction with other southeastern tribes such as the Calusa, Yuchi, Timucua, Cherokee, Apalachicola, Chickasaw, and Creek. It …

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…As the war raged on, the Seminole became outnumbered and their morale dropped. The end to the war was gradual, for no official treaty was made. It was a silent, unanimous treaty, which both sides seemed to agree upon. Some Seminoles were pushed deep into the Everglades, while other went west past the Mississippi. There was minimal bloodshed and conflicts with the Seminole afterwards since they were now isolated and away from civilization. (Garbarino 54-55)